Meditative Arts

“Concentration is the act of building focus and meditation is the art of retaining it without losing awareness.”

― Om Swami

Kundalini Academy

Yoga of Awareness

Learn to harness the mental, physical, and nervous energies of the body and put them under the domain of the will, which is the instrument of the soul.

Kundalini Yoga is the manual for Human Consciousness.

Class Curriculum

What if you had the ability to dissolve your own stress through yogic teachings to build stamina and flexibility all while enjoying a sustainable meditation practice?

Courses include information on the 8 limbs of Yoga, 10 Bodies, 8 Chakras, 3 minds, Kriya Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Naad Yoga, Mantras, etc…

Class Schedule

Tuesdays & Thursdays 9-10am

Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm

Sheng Zhen Qigong

Sheng Zhen, pronounced Shung Jen, is a unique style of qigong and mindfulness practice centered around opening the heart and balancing one’s energy through movement and meditation.

This practice relaxes and opens the body, allowing the blood and Qi (energy) to flow freely. During this relaxation, an exchange of Qi with the universe happens creating a feeling of oneness with the world around us.

Through this exchange of Qi and relaxation, the practitioner can begin to feel life through an open heart, finding joy and happiness everywhere and in everything.

Sheng Zhen is a journey back to one’s true home, into one’s own heart. A journey into the heart of existence, back to that ‘nothingness’ from which everything arises.

Class Schedule

Tuesdays 10:30-11:30am

Your Practice Starts here….

Group Classes

Private Lessons